Our services


First check-up directly after childbirth. Attendant doctors or midwives will check your child`s health. You will get the “Gelbes Kinderuntersuchungsheft” (examination record).

It´s the first big basic checkup. The doctor checks all physical functions. Most U2 checkups are done in maternity clinic.

The focus of the child’s development is now the study of meaning: Can the child fixate objects with the eyes, is it startled at loud noises (clapping, rattling)? Moreover, the baby is weighed and measured to see whether it is increased properly. The doctor checks to see if it can lift his head in prone for a short time, and if the legs can move freely. In addition, we perform an ultrasound examination of the hip.

We talk about the everyday processes like feeding and sleeping and being a parent: What can be done about sleep deprivation? Where can I find support? When the baby’s senses are observed again: Does the child smile back? Does it pursue objects with the eye? Does it turn its head to a sound? Also, the movements are checked: Does the baby set his arms in the prone position as a prop? Can it keep its head up while sitting on the lap? From the 8th Week of life you should begin vaccinating.

Now shows the child what it all may already: It may turn, supported with the hands, reach for things and it may babble straight on to form as many different sounds and noises. In addition, the doctor asks if it already tries to reach other people: Can it differentiate familiar from unfamiliar people? We talk about the transition to solid food. If asthma or eczema is present in the family history, we also advise to prevention of allergies. We also provide tips on how typical toddler accidents can be avoided.

The baby’s mobility has increased, so it now goes to the new skills: Can the child to pull itself up on furniture? Are the first steps in hand or along the sofa? Can it be left alone for a short while? The pincer grip is checked. Does it pull fuzzes out of the carpet? Does it stack different things? Does it use both hands? Now let’sput the power of speech in the foreground: Does the child know two-syllable words such as mama or dada and does it imitate different speech sounds?

Your child can run and even bend down and up again? It rises with some support or a one-sided adherence level? The doctor checks the fine motor skills by lock and key or plug-games. Much is asked from you. Then we check whether the child can name simple objects and execute small instructions. The vocabulary should now comprise about 20 to 50 words. Some children use one-word sentences, other children already formulate four-to six-word sentences.

This study should help as early as possible to explore physical, mental and emotional problems and treat them.
The child is weighed, measured in body length and it is examined from head to toe. So we can determine if your child has been through age-appropriate development steps. It will also be tested to see if your child can form three-to six-word sentences, and use his own name. body parts can point to questioning. The doctor will also ask for behavioral problems such as insomnia. In addition, it is checked whether your child has received all recommended vaccinations and we can plan the next vaccination appointment. A theme of U7a is the study of vision. With various tests, we can determine whether a child squints or needs glasses.

Now the language is in focus: is it understandable? Can the child speak in complete sentences, does it describes itself as “I”? How is the social behavior: Does the child easily make contact? Is it good at it? Now the doctor explains to the parents if it has hyperactivity, and describes what they can do if a child has attention deficit disorder. To test the fine motor skills the child can paint and play. A good balance is secured on one leg and soft cushioning when jumping from the chair.

About a year before going to School the doctor pays attention to the vision, hearing, motor coordination and the development of language. Can the child play enduringly? How is its social behavior and its psychological and emotional development. Is it very dry? Can it play alone or not? Size and weight and eating habits are monitored.

In this first screening examination at school age, it is checked whether there are reading and spelling problems in primary school or other difficulties in school as well as physical development disorders. The development and behavior are checked for possible interference (eg, ADHD).
The doctor pays in addition to the assessment of physical development, particularly at school performance problems, socialization and behavioral problems, teeth, mouth and jaw anomaly as well as the media behavior of the child. Is the vaccination sufficient?

Now we investigate whether there are problems regarding school performance, socialization and behavior. The health of the teeth and the jaw is checked.
We look at the exercise and eating habits, sports, media consumption and the planning of the school career. Signs of problematic use of substances of abuse are discussed, but also supports healthy behavior.
In case of insufficient Rötelntiter girl is vaccinated against rubella.

After a long time we have another opportunity to check the general health of adolescents, their vaccination status and development as a whole. If there are problems, such as poor posture due to growth spurts, they can be detected and treated early in the J1.
Your child should be old enough to perceive the examination date without parents. If the youth want it, you can also accompany, it can also bring a friend or a friend of its. He or she should bring only the insurance card and its vaccination pass.
The doctor measures length, weight and blood pressure and checks whether the child sees and hears correctly. Maybe some blood will be taken to check the blood cell counts.
As always, your child’s vaccination is verified and completed.
Adolescence is often a difficult phase of development and brings a number of physical and psychological changes, with which adolescents have to cope for now. Appear determined to some questions your might want to discuss with the doctor alone. Everything that is urgent: about any skin problems, weight problems and eating disorders, but also about possible difficulties at home or with friends, even about sexuality or drugs. To all it questions it receives competent answers and can ensure that the conversation remains confidential. Even if your child is not 18 years old yet, subject to the investigation of medical confidentiality.

The J2 is the last screening in adolescence. It complements post-J1 to adulthood. Particular attention is given here to the development to an adult, the developing sexuality, possible faults and all questions.
It will be screened for diabetes mellitus, goiter and attitude problems. If desired, the support young people experience in their career choice. You will receive written information about youth-related issues.


Vaccination education in 14 languages. Medical travel advice on vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis.

Vaccination Age in months
2 3 4 11-14 15-23
Lockjaw (tetanus) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Diphtheria 1. 2. 3. 4.
Whooping cough 1. 2. 3. 4.
Haemophilus influenzae type b 1. 2. 3. 4.
Polio (poliomyelitis) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Hepatitis B 1. 2. 3. 4.
Pneumococcal 1. 2. 3. 4.
Meningococcal 1 to 12 months
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) 1. 2.
Chickenpox (Varicella) 1. 2.
Vaccination Age in months
5-6 9-17 from 18 from 60
Lockjaw (tetanus) 5. 6. every 10 years
Diphtheria 5. 6. every 10 years
Whooping 5. 6. every 10 years
Polio (Poliomyelitis) 5.
Hepatitis B only if previously vaccination was not complete
Pneumococci from 60
Chickenpox (Varicella) if not vaccinated or not had chickenpox
Flu (Influenza) annually particularly in patients at risk
3x HPV (Cervical Cancer) Girls from the Age of 12 Years
Vaccination Krankheit Nebenwirkungen
Diphtherie lebensbedrohlicher, oft tödlicher Verlauf durch Ersticken oder Herzversagen gelegentlich: leichte fieberhafte Reaktionen innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Impfung
selten: vorübergehende Schwellung und Rötung oder Schmerzen an der Einstichstelle
sehr selten: (ca. 1: 1 Mio. Impfungen ) schwere bedrohliche Reaktionen
(Krampfanfälle, Nervenlähmungen, allergischer Schock)
Tetanus Erreger überall im Staub und Erde, Infektion über Verletzungen, oft tödlicher Verlauf
Pertussis im 1. Lebensjahr bedrohliche, oft tödliche Verläufe mit Atemstillstand, später schwere Verläufe mit Lungenentzündung möglich
HIB lebensbedrohliche Meningitis bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern, häufig mit bleibenden Hirn-und Nervenschäden
HIB- Epiglottitis: häufig mit Tod durch Ersticken endende Kehlkopfentzündung im Kindesalter
Polio beginnend als fieberhafte Durchfallerkrankung, dann aufsteigende Lähmungen bis hin zur Atemlähmung, teils lebenslange Körperbehinderung
Hepatitis B im Kindesalter eher seltene Erkrankung, Übertragung hauptsächlich durch Sexualkontakte und Blutprodukte, aber auch Schmierinfektionen besonders im Kindergartenalter, führt bei ca. jedem zweiten Erkrankungsfall zur chronischen Hepatitis und Zirrhose gelegentlich: leichtes Fieber oder Unwohlsein
sehr selten: (1:3 Mio.)
schwere Nebenwirkungen im Bereich des Nervensystems oder allergische Reaktionen
Masern schwere hochfieberhafte Kinderkrankheit mit Hautausschlag, Komplikationen:
Lungenentzündungen , Hirnentzündungen ( 1:1000) mit teils bleibenden Schädigungen, Todesfällen
( 1: 5000) und schleichender Hirnzerstörung SSPSE (1: 100000)
1-2 Wochen nach der Impfung gelegentlich leichte Impfmasern
sehr selten: (ca. 1:3 Mio.) schwere bedrohliche allergische oder neurologische Komplikationen
Mumps Drüsenentzündung mit 10% Hirnentzündungen, selten bleibende Hirnschäden, Hodenentzündung mit teils folgender Zeugungsunfähigkeit bei Männern selten: leichte Speicheldrüsenschwellung
nach 1-2 Wochen gelegentliche leichte fieberhafte Erkrankung
Röteln meist leichte fieberhafte Infektionskrankheit mit Hautausschlag und gelegentlich Hirnentzündung, bei Schwangeren schwere Fruchtschädigungen mit bleibenden Behinderungen des Kindes
Windpocken Hautinfektionen mit Streptokokken, Abszessbildung, evtl. mit generalisierter Infektion; Lungenentzündung, Hepatitis, Gelenksentzündung, Herzmuskelentzündung oder immunologische Nierenentzündung
Kleinhirnentzündung mit Gangunsicherheit (Ataxie, gute Prognose; relativ häufig)
Hirnentzündung (Enzephalitis, schlechte Prognose; sehr selten)
1-2 Wochen nach der Impfung gelegentlich leichte Impfwindpocken
sehr selten: (ca. 1:3 Mio.) schwere bedrohliche allergische oder neurologische Komplikationen
Meningitis Hirnhautentzündung durch Bakterien, hohes Fieber, Erbrechen und Kopfschmerzen, Nackensteifigkeit, Bewusstseinstrübung, ohne Behandlung mit Antibiotika kommt es in 10% zum Tode Schmerzen, Spannung und Schwellung an der Injektionsstelle, Abgeschlagenheit oder Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen auftreten
sehr selten: (1:3 Mio.)
schwere Nebenwirkungen im Bereich des Nervensystems oder allergische Reaktionen
FSME durch Zecken auf den Menschen übertragene Viruskrankheit, die mit einer fieberhaften Erkrankung unter Beteiligung der Hirnhäute (Hirnhautentzündung, Meningitis), in schweren Fällen aber auch des Gehirns und Rückenmarks einhergehen kann.

Emergency Medical Aid

We are focused on:

  • Laboratory
  • Rapid Tests
  • Infusions
  • ECG
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • School Accidents
  • Anesthesia studies

Allergologie & Asthma

Folgende Angebote haben wir rund um Allergien und Asthma:

  • Allergietestungen
  • Prick
  • RAST
  • Scratch-Test
  • Hyposensibilisierung bei Allergie
  • Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik
  • Asthma- und Neurodermitisschulungen
  • Asthmasprechstunde


Im Bereich Psychosomatik führen wir fachgebundene Beratungen durch und veranlassen Diagnostik.


Folgende Körperregionen und Organe können wir per Doppler-Sonografie (moderne Ultraschalluntersuchung) beurteilen:

  • Hüfte
  • Nieren und Harnwege
  • Bauch
  • Schilddrüse
  • Kopf


Im Bereich Humangenetik führen wir fachgebundene genetische Beratungen durch und veranlassen Diagnostik.

Hörtest & Sehtest

Folgende Hörtests führen wir durch:

  • Pilotenhörtest
  • OAE
  • Hochtonrassel

Sowie diese Sehtests:

  • LEA
  • E-Haken-Test
  • Augensreening
  • Brückner-Test
  • Ishihara-Farbtafel
  • Lang-Test


Folgende Entwicklungstest wenden wir an:

  • CMM
  • Denver
  • Münchner Funktionelle Diagnostik
  • Sprachtests


Auch prüfen und beraten wir rund um die Sporttauglichkeit:

  • Körperliche Untersuchung
  • EKG
  • Lungenfunktion
  • Blutdruck
  • Beratung zu gelenkschonendem Sport


Mit folgenden Tests und Methoden unterstützen wir Sie bei Fragen rund um die Schulreife, der Schulwahl oder bei Schwierigkeiten in der Schule:

  • Ausführliche Beratung und Unterstützung bei Schulschwierigkeiten und Fragen zur Schullaufbahn
  • Testungen zu Legasthenie
  • Dyskalkulietest
  • Intelligenztest
  • Schulreifeuntersuchung
  • ADHS-Diagnostik


Auch im Kindesalter ist die richtige Ernährung ein wichtiges Thema – wir beraten Sie umfassend.

  • Ernährungsberatung mit Rezepten
  • ausführliche Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung der Maßnahmen
  • Beratung zum Sport